About Dr. M. Paula Daoust 

Behavior Transitions

Are you stuck?
Would you like to perform at your Peak with less stress?

Dr. Paula Daoust is here to help. 

Make sure your volume is turned up. Press play. Enjoy.

What ever you need to reach your peak performance and really enjoy your work and your life, I have the strategies and tools that will move you toward your goals.

Paula Daoust

Yes! I want to be the person I was meant to be!


Are you stuck? Is there some behavior or barrier holding you back?

You can discover that new, happier, more successful you. With Dr. Daoust's guidance many folks, just like you, have discovered the secret to breaking through and you can too.  

Seminars and Workshops

Do you have a group or a team that would benefit from conflict management skills, speaking under pressure, or more effective influence and sales skills?

Dr. Daoust can work with you to design workshops and seminars that get the results you need. These can be delivered face-to-face, self-paced, or via videoconference.

Keynote Presentations 

Would you like an inspirational speaker who will share ideas that will make a difference for your organization?

Dr. Daoust is a best-selling author.  Your folks will leave the presentation with new ideas, strategies, and tools they can use immediately, all based on behavioral science. 

Paula Daoust

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