Get your FREE resources to get the most out of the workshop!

Maximize your experience!

I have prepared for you several add-on materials that will help you integrate your learning and apply the skills more easily. Be sure to download all of these tools!

Do you make notes during a workshop with the best of intentions of following up? Do you follow up or do you get distracted when you return to your desk?

Here are some resources that will help you take full advantage of your new learning. 

What you will have access to:

The book "The 10 Best Practices for Managing Remote Workers"
CLEAN/N Conversation Script Template.
Two job-aids: C.A.S.H. System and C.A.R.E. to Listen.
Five MP3 recordings to create the right mindset, stay calm and confident, and to think more clearly. 

When dealing with conflict, if one party loses, no one can win!

M. Paula Daoust, Ph.D.

Conflict resolution

Get all the FREE resources to 

"It's Not Personal"


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