Dr. M. Paula Daoust, Best Selling Author

Irrational Beliefs Scale

Which of the twelve most common irrational beliefs are causing you distress?

Would you like to be free of beliefs that are constraining your happiness?

Take the assessment today and learn:

Which of the twelve irrational beliefs are influencing your decisions.
Identify which beliefs are causing you angst or misery.
Take back control of your decisions by challenging your irrational beliefs.

Get immediate access to tools
for taking back control.

Use the Dispute Sample Statement hand-out to write your own dispute statement.
Download a self-hypnosis recording to make practicing your dispute statement a snap.

It's what you choose to believe that makes you the person you are. 

Karen Marie Moning

In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true.

John Lilly

Take the FREE Assessment:

Irrational Beliefs

and get tools to help you take back control!

Dr. Paula Daoust

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