Using EI in Sales

Congratulations on signing up for the "Using Emotional Intelligence in Sales" Seminar Series

This is going to be a great experience!

Ask questions and get answers in real time from someone who has done the hard work and knows what works;
Learn from others who are building their skills;
Add to your network of trusted colleagues;
Build your confidence as you test out new skills and see your success growing. 

What You'll Get in this Seminar Series

This is not your ordinary learning experience!

Learn invaluable tools and essential tips while you enjoy the journey!

Materials for Seminar

Using Emotional Intelligence in Sales

Value = $12.95

Seminar Workbook

Value = $19.95

Live lectures

Mike has coached many folks, many of them just like you, to amazing success in their selling careers.

Mike will explain the concepts from the book and you can ask questions and get your answers in real-time. 

Expand your professional network

You are not in this alone! In this learning experience, you will have an opportunity to learn from the experiences of others and to share with them the experience and knowledge you have acquired along the way!

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