Dr. M. Paula Daoust, Best Selling Author

Using Emotional Intelligence in Sales

Would you like selling to be easier and more fun?

What difference would it make in your life if selling was stress-free and comfortable?

Whether it's products, services, or ideas, everyone sells - but not everyone is good at it. You can differentiate yourself by learning to approach selling with confidence and poise. Start your journey today!

In this first chapter of "Using Emotional Intelligence in Sales" you will:

Learn why the classic model of selling is not enough and how it needs to be adjusted for success in the current selling environment;
Understand what skills you need to respond effectively to the frequent rejection many salespeople experience. 
Discover the key to making selling easier and how you can enjoy amazing success!

Strong emotional intelligence has always been a part of the effective salesperson's repertoire but in this new, increasingly competitive environment, it is essential. 

Dr. M. Paula Daoust

Get Your Free Copy of Ch. 1 and Begin Your Journey to Better Success in Sales

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